Protective Styles & Updos for Natural Hair
Curl Maintainance

Protective Styles & Updos for Natural Hair

By Lilas Mia -

If you’re like me and enjoying summer hair bucket list goals, we’re here to share some tips and tricks for a more efficient approach to the dreaded #WashDay.

“Protective style” is a term we hear so often, so let’s break it down: what exactly is protective styling, why should you do it and who is it for? Firstly, anyone with textured hair such as waves, curls and coils can (and should) practice more protective styles. As inferred, these hairstyles’ purpose is to limit over-manipulating your scalp and hair, reduce product buildup as well as the stress of outdoor factors from the weather to the environment. The kinkier your hair, the more beneficial it’ll be for you because it requires little daily upkeep.

Here are 5 major reasons why you should incorporate protective styling into your routine:

  1. Protects hair and the ends from environmental elements;
  2. Aids in maintaining moisture;
  3. Promotes length retention and less shedding;
  4. Large variety of styles to try out;
  5. Most importantly, saves you time to do other things!

Some common methods are braids, buns, updos (pineapple), twists (two strand, flat and Marley), wigs, clip-in extensions or, my personal favourite, goddess locs ! Besides being DIY-friendly, the best part about each of these methods is that you can adjust them to your personal preference and customize the texture of hair, colour and length.

We’ve compiled our favourite protective styles below for you to try out at home:

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